The three Luxton brothers known as ‘Claiming It Anyway’ have been making a name for themselves in the Bayside / Gold Coast bar and festival scene for the past 2 years. Bringing back flare to a classic rock & blues sound that lived at the heart of the 70’s and early 80’s.
In 2020 the brothers hit the road with a new batch of songs off their February album release “The Fool in Me” along with a host of the best rock n’ roll covers from all the decades. The record sold 300 copies on the tour and has reached over one thousand streams in 6 months. The 8 track EP includes the radio single ‘Home Safe’, a memo to look out for each other written amidst the 2019 bushfire season.
The Luxton bros’ first album “No Shenanigans” has also sold over 250 copies and had over two thousand online streams along with national radio play.
Following the fool in me tour the Luxton Brothers joined forces with guitarist and singer Hannah Johnstone. Who has brought a new level harmonic depth to the bands evolving sound. Soon to be performing under a new name, Hannah J and the Luxton Brothers are bringing the CIA songs and a growing list of new material to a growing Australian and international audience.
They’ve got plenty to prove as one of the youngest touring bands in QLD, and the firepower to go with it. Be advised, you don’t want to miss their show.

Curtis Luxton, Guitar and Lead vocals.
Curt will be 20 years old when the next CIA
album is released, which will begin his 15th year
playing blues lines into upbeat rock n’ roll grooves.
Well known for his solo musicianship in the acoustic
pub scene in SE QLD supporting the likes of Ian Moss.
Curt fronts the band with an unmistakeable voice and
the black Stratocaster hinting at the screaming lead
style of Hendrix, Knoplfer, and Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Mitch Luxton, Drums and Backing Vocals “That Drummer”, “Did you see him back there”
…Mitch is 13. Sometimes he’s hard to see behind the wall of a drum kit, but you won’t miss the colossal sound he makes. In his 5 years playing he’s performed
over 20 shows recorded two full albums, headlined 4 festivals and still managed to make it to school. He is a perfectionist, a dedicated musician who knows how to let it fly at the gig. Always on point, slightly unpredictable, and totally addicting to watch.

Scott Luxton, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals,
Harmonica… Recognisable by silhouette, the white
thunderbird, and shocking series of goofy
smiles. ‘Scotty’ is the rock of the Claiming It
Anyway sound. Most of his playing developed by ear in the rehearsal room generating powerful bass lines that are totally unique to CIA. His uncanny sense of rhythm and melody has brought colour to songs that would otherwise be impossible for a three piece. He makes the Claiming it Anyway Records sound huge.